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Zojio Technologies

Bringing a customized approach for your managed print services. Zojio Technologies mission is to create and implement scalable solutions that deliver measurable results and compelling value by providing benchmark support to your organization.

Zojio's Original Homepage Design


Revamp current website to improve user engagement and retention.



Through my design thinking approach and process, I sought to understand the needs of the target user, as well as, balance those needs with the company's objectives and technological capabilities.

DISCOVER (Research): I began my research with interviews with a few employees and created a competitive analysis for like-businesses in the industry to gain a better understanding of what the trends that set the standard for the print management industry. In my research, it was also necessary to uncover the needs and frustrations of the target user to better uncover how to appeal to them. Lastly, I dove into the information architecture of the current site to evaluate the current status of the website

DEFINE AND DESIGN (Ideate): Once I gained an understanding of the users desires and company requirements, I began the process by building out a new brand guideline reference packet (color palettes, typography, etc).

I then dove into revamping the information architect to be more accessible for the new website, referencing my findings from research (breakdown of the initial website and user/task flows). I streamlined the menu options to make them straight-forward touch-points.

Once I felt the website was organized in a way that is intuitive to the user, I began drawing out layout options in low-fidelity sketched wireframes, taking them to the computer only after I received feedback from a few stakeholders. I started to translate the low-fidelity wireframes into a high-fidelity website on Wordpress.

As I put the website together, I had the company review the content of the website and provide me with updated content. This helped me decide if I needed to create a few graphical elements to complete the look and feel of the website.



An accessible, new-age website that is aesthetically appealing with strong brand identity and enhanced user experience.

Lime App Onboarding Redesign

Bringing flexibility and safety to affordable mobility. Lime is a company designed to bring smart, affordable mobility to all communities no matter where you are.

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Create additional restrictions for the onboarding process on the Lime mobile app that restricts underage usage.



DISCOVER (Research): Stakeholders are concerned that teenagers are getting hold of the e-scooters too easily when it’s illegal for them to be renting the e-scooters and riding them recklessly around town. While the 18 and over users feel they are too limited on the payment options available to them and are looking for less restrictions.

I conducted five user interviews with new Lime-App users (about 20 minutes) to learn more about how the users connected with the app through the onboarding process. I wanted to understand what was missing during the initial process to verify the user’s age and what the limitations in the payment options were, among other important user tasks. I also did some field research directly with the e-scooters I found around town and secondary research from user reviews found online.

I learned that the existing onboarding process does not have an age verification feature. Lime only says that it is required the user be 18 years of age or older. Drivers licenses are required but only states that on the e-scooter itself and no where else on the app. This was a problem for users and discouraged them from using this app again.

I also learned that the payment options were limited to three full payment amounts and no option for putting in their own amount. All of the users desired flexibility in their payment options including which way to pay (Apple Pay, Pay Pal, Gift Cards, Venmo), whether they pay as they use a scooter(for a single ride), subscribe to a plan (monthly or annually), or charge a specific amount to their account ($26).

DEFINE AND DESIGN (Ideate): From here I was able to make my initial designs - user flows, wireframes, and initial prototypes. After conducting usability tests, I finalized my user flow and design experience.

I incorporated user-generated content with mindful design that best supports the company’s branding. I enabled users to verify their age and identity with a simple snapshot process of their drivers license to make the process seamless. The next screen would capture the information from the snapshot and allow users to edit if the information was incorrect. I also added in a more detailed payment option page that allows users to select from a variety of payment plans - pay as you go, subscription, and custom amounts, as well as, various credit payment options from Apply Pay to PayPal and the option to enter in a credit card manually.



An app that seamlessly added restrictions during the onboarding process on the Lime mobile app that restricts underage usage.

Eventbrite Accessibility

Eventbrite is a platform that brings together people from all over the world through live experiences. These events include a variety of interests that fuel passions and enrich lives. Eventbrite allows anyone to create, share, find and attend numerous events from bar crawls to festivals, musical contests to gaming competitions, and more.

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Select an existing website with bad navigational experiences and transform its information architecture to be accessible and user friendly.



DISCOVER (Research): I conducted one questionnaire of 20 questions that took 26 interviewees about 5-10 minutes to complete. The questionnaire was to learn more about the interest of events for users, what websites they tend to use when looking for events, how the users connect with the Eventbrite and what tasks they would perform when looking for events. After gaining a ground understanding of the users desires, I ran a tree test using Optimal Sort for further research purposes using the existing navigation.

The insights I gained from the tests show that the existing navigation had confused many users and was lacking clear start points for each task. The Subscribe section was nowhere to be found until you click-through to the Blog. Success Stories, a section where past event hosts can share their experiences and important website driver, is also too deep into the site and unreachable until the Blog section. The remaining tasks shared similar pain points where the desired location is too deep and confusing for users to locate.

DEFINE AND DESIGN (Ideate): From here, I altered the network map to reflect these pain points and hopefully relieve the user of too much confusion. Following the initial redesign, I conducted more research initiatives through card sorting and multiple tree usability tests through Optimal Sort. I updated the user flows as needed based on the insights from each test round.

Once I increased the success rate, I sketched out my initial low-fidelity wire-frames and gained feedback from my peers. After conducting my last usability test, I finalized my network flow and low-fidelity wire-frames for the new navigation and possible website design.

Through numerous usability tests, I gathered user-generated content that translated to a mindful redesign of the navigation where users could find the content they desired faster. By moving certain categories up in the hierarchy of navigation, the success rates rose drastically. One section that was lacking in its entirety was the desired About Us section which I now added at the top. I increased the overall success rate of click-throughs from 28% to 60%.



A transformed navigation experience that is now accessible and user friendly.

Zojio Technologies

Bringing a customized approach for your managed print services. Zojio Technologies mission is to create and implement scalable solutions that deliver measurable results and compelling value by providing benchmark support to your organization.

lime app 1


Revamp current website for Zojio Technologies that will improve user engagement and retention.



Through my design thinking approach and process, I sought to understand the needs of the target user, as well as, balance those needs with the company's objectives and technological capabilities.

DISCOVER (Research): I began my research with interviews with a few employees and created a competitive analysis for like-businesses in the industry to gain a better understanding of what the trends that set the standard for the print management industry. In my research, it was also necessary to uncover the needs and frustrations of the target user to better uncover how to appeal to them. Lastly, I dove into the information architecture of the current site to evaluate the current status of the website

DEFINE AND DESIGN (Ideate): Once I gained an understanding of the users desires and company requirements, I began the process by building out a new brand guideline reference packet (color palettes, typography, etc).

I then dove into revamping the information architect to be more accessible for the new website, referencing my findings from research (breakdown of the initial website and user/task flows). I streamlined the menu options to make them straight-forward touch-points.

Once I felt the website was organized in a way that is intuitive to the user, I began drawing out layout options in low-fidelity sketched wireframes, taking them to the computer only after I received feedback from a few stakeholders. I started to translate the low-fidelity wireframes into a high-fidelity website on Wordpress.

As I put the website together, I had the company review the content of the website and provide me with updated content. This helped me decide if I needed to create a few graphical elements to complete the look and feel of the website.



An accessible, new-age website that is aesthetically appealing with strong brand identity and enhanced user experience.

Zojio Technologies

Bringing a customized approach for your managed print services. Zojio Technologies mission is to create and implement scalable solutions that deliver measurable results and compelling value by providing benchmark support to your organization.

lime app 1


Revamp current website for Zojio Technologies that will improve user engagement and retention.



Through my design thinking approach and process, I sought to understand the needs of the target user, as well as, balance those needs with the company's objectives and technological capabilities.

DISCOVER (Research): I began my research with interviews with a few employees and created a competitive analysis for like-businesses in the industry to gain a better understanding of what the trends that set the standard for the print management industry. In my research, it was also necessary to uncover the needs and frustrations of the target user to better uncover how to appeal to them. Lastly, I dove into the information architecture of the current site to evaluate the current status of the website

DEFINE AND DESIGN (Ideate): Once I gained an understanding of the users desires and company requirements, I began the process by building out a new brand guideline reference packet (color palettes, typography, etc).

I then dove into revamping the information architect to be more accessible for the new website, referencing my findings from research (breakdown of the initial website and user/task flows). I streamlined the menu options to make them straight-forward touch-points.

Once I felt the website was organized in a way that is intuitive to the user, I began drawing out layout options in low-fidelity sketched wireframes, taking them to the computer only after I received feedback from a few stakeholders. I started to translate the low-fidelity wireframes into a high-fidelity website on Wordpress.

As I put the website together, I had the company review the content of the website and provide me with updated content. This helped me decide if I needed to create a few graphical elements to complete the look and feel of the website.



An accessible, new-age website that is aesthetically appealing with strong brand identity and enhanced user experience.